Contact me at shahked[at] or (978) 226-8987

Web Development

I create responsive websites with your business needs at the center. I work with you to ensure your users have the best experience.


My websites have a smooth and appealing user experience for mobile, tablet and desktop.


I provide initial hosting setup and deployment for your website so that you don’t have to worry about it.

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University of Miami Website

I’ve been a student web developer at the University of Miami since my freshman year. I do backend development with PHP for their main website and create tools for internal use. Some of the features I’ve worked on include the cross-site search functionality for the many of the University’s websites, as well as creating scripts to copy archived content so it can be moved to a new location. I have also created automated scripts to generate reports for internal use.

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Best Minecraft Servers

BestMCServers is a website allowing minecraft players to to list game servers that they run. Servers are ranked based on user votes, allowing players to easily find good servers to play on. In addition, websockets are used to ping the servers directly and find information, such as the number of players currently online and which plugins are installed.

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Shortest Path Map

I developed a shortest path program for my Algorithms course at the University of Miami. It creates a graph structure by reading location and road data from files, then prompts the user to enter two cities in the United States. It then calculates the shortest path between the cities and shows it on a map that includes elevation.

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Flash Cards

I built this flash card software to help me study for my Spanish exams - instead of actually studying. It reads in files in a data folder, each file containing tab-separated questions and answers with one pair per line. In this case, I put spanish vocabulary and their english translation on each card. The program supports multiple “decks” of flash cards simply by creating multiple files in the data directory, providing a dropdown to choose which deck to use.

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