Contact me at shahked[at] or (978) 226-8987

Technology Pieces

I specialize in guides, discussion and computer technology pieces. I make copy that is researched and understandable so that your readers find what they want quickly.

Blogs and Articles

I create content for your website or blog that gives users the information they are looking for. I will improve your marketing and engage your audience.

Guides and documentation

I write informative pieces for software and services so that your audience can start using your product. Documentation is essential for forming user base.

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Let's get in touch to discuss your needs.

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Cultural Corpus Software

At the University of Miami, I took a seminar about endangered languages. As a software engineer, I looked at how software could be used to help document and revitalize a dying language. I came up with the idea for a language corpus that focuses on both the cultural and linguistic aspects. This paper is a description and concept for such a software.

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